1. Little important thing you need to do in order to build your network marketing business, your career, your family etc are the EASIEST things to do. It's easy to make that phone call, it's easy to send that SMS, it's easy to go share your business opportunity with others, it's easy to follow up on your prospects. But guess what? It is also EASY NOT to do them.
Thereby giving excuses why you are not making money, why your life isn't better. You can't make money and excuses, both don't work!
There are two pains to bear
a. The pain of discipline in the short term to do the easy things or
b. The pain of long term regrets for not doing the easy things. Doing the easy things sets you apart from others.
2. Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Get wiser, be more attractive, be more influential, more intelligent.
3. Life does not respond to needs. Life responds to deserve.
1) Work smart to deserve that job
2) Work hard and smart to make that 6 digit income
3) Work hard to deserve that platform
If you deserve it, you will get it. If you need it, you won't get it.
It is easier to deserve it than to be lucky.
Have a great day
Andrew Mbamara
WhatsApp: +2348039215327
I am committed to your financial success
Life lessons from Jim Rohn
Reviewed by Hilltop Eagle Synergy
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