
SO SWEET | Mother Teresa Now 'Saint Teresa Of Calcutta'

Mother Theresa has been canonized a saint by the Catholic church. Thousands of christian pilgrims gathered at St. Peters square today to witness the canonization ceremony.

Pope Francis declared Mother Teresa a saint at a Sunday morning Mass, making her the model of his Jubilee Year of Mercy and in some ways his entire papacy.

Born Agnes Gonxhe Bojaxhiu Aug. 26, 1910, to Albanian parents in Skopje, Mother Teresa came to India in 1929 as a sister of the Loreto order. In 1946, she received what she described as a "call within a call" to found a new order dedicated to caring for the most unloved and unwanted, the "poorest of the poor."

In 1950 she founded the Missionaries of Charity, which went onto become a global order of nuns — identified by their trademark blue-trimmed saris, as well as priests, brothers and lay co-workers.

She was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She died in 1997. Continue resting well, Saint Theresa!
SO SWEET | Mother Teresa Now 'Saint Teresa Of Calcutta' SO SWEET | Mother Teresa Now 'Saint Teresa Of Calcutta' Reviewed by Hilltop Eagle Synergy on 21:41 Rating: 5

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