
The problem with fake butts??

Ok since this fake butt is becoming too popular it is nice I address some facts .

1. If you must get a fake butt please consider your leg . It is wrong if your leg is thin and your ass is big . You will look funny and completely disproportionate. Your look will become funny and comical . Believe me no man will take you seriously except a fake man.

2. If you must have a fake butt, please don't let it be too large . Make sure it is in line with your thighs. Every normal woman with a big butt has a thick thigh that compliment it or else you will look disgusting .

3. Remember as you get old complications may arise and your health in danger . Do you want to have a big butt and die early ? The choice is yours .

4. Nothing is like the original . People's thirst differs . Not every man like women with big butt. Some just a normal butt . Thirst differs . Someone who love you will love you as you are .

5. Be confident in your skin . Like your own body . Have self esteem and be bold. No matter your body shape - it doesn't matter , what matters is the confidence you exude and you will naturally become sexy. 'Sexiness' is how you carry yourself not plastic butt.

Philip Obin 

The problem with fake butts?? The problem with fake butts?? Reviewed by Hilltop Eagle Synergy on 17:04 Rating: 5

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